COVID-19 VACCINATION PROGRAMME- Pfizer Vaccine: Students aged 15, 16 and 17 years

 COVID-19 VACCINATION PROGRAMME- Pfizer Vaccine: Students aged 15, 16 and 17 years

Dear parents kindly note that:

* the vaccination exercise  for our students will be carried out  on Monday 4th October 2021 at the seat of Sharma Jugdambi SSS.

* there will be NO SCHOOL on that day.

* Consent Forms of the vaccination has been issued to you ward. Kindly return the duly filled and signed form by Monday 27th (G9,G11,G13) and Tuesday 28th September (G10,G12).

* parents who are agreeable to have their ward vaccinated must accompany their ward for  the vaccination exercise.

* students to be vaccinated must produce their original A4 birth certificate and parents must produce their Identity Card.

* parents who have not been vaccinated will be EXCEPTIONALLY allowed within the school premises on that day to accompany their ward for the vaccination.

* the original Registration Form/ Consent Form will be given to you on the day of vaccination for capturing and verifying necessary information.

* if you are agreeable for your ward to be vaccinated but have certain queries regarding medical issues,  it can be directed to the  Medical personnel on site on the day of vaccination.

* parents are reminded that they will have to accompany their ward during the pre- and post vaccination waiting period and then accompany the students back home after vaccination.

* On Monday 4th October 2021, the vaccination exercise will start as from 09.00 hours and you will soon be communicated the exact time you should call at school as per alphabetical order. 

Please note  students of 17 years old is to count their last birthday. That is if they turn 18 on the eve of vaccination day or on the day of vaccination,  they cannot be vaccinated as pfizer is reserved for below 18.

Same applies for students who turn 15 on the eve or day of vaccination,  they fall into this category.

Thank you

School Administration

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